Wednesday, July 29, 2020

January 2020-July 2020

I've lapsed into blogger lethargy. I have lots of notes and pictures but seem to fall prey to procrastination which leads to a rather boring, static blog. Apologies to anyone still looking back at here.

 In short, we were in Marathon until May, made it up the coast during the Covid lull and at the moment are a few days away from Hampton where we'll sit for a few months. We need to be in WI early September. We'll be back at the boat by October and off we go south. In the meantime we have put the boat up for sale, survived not a few storms and were unable to get back to the Bahamas. Long Island called but we weren't listening thus condemning us to a long trek up the ICW only as far Hampton.

These last few weeks in July have been hellishly hot. So hot in fact, we've gone soft and are doing marinas every night so the AC can run all night instead of the 4 or so hours every evening.  So in a nutshell, we are selling the boat and once that is accomplished we will be living on land. Somewhere. But I'll post small snippets about that adventure as it unfolds.

I did add a rudimentary web page of many of our ICW stops over the years and the mileages.     Well, ok.  It wasn't exactly an effort to endear me to thousands of cruisers plying the ICW, but more for my benefit because I never remember how far it is between these common stopping points.  So if anyone else finds it useful, I can claim at least partial community service.  See  this link here