Resting comfortably after 6700 miles |
When we left our inexperienced showed. Today we just calmly backed into a slip in a tight fareway without much stress or fanfare. Guess 6,000+ miles and a year can impart some experience!
Here is an interactive map of all the places we visited along the way. Click on any of the little markers and it should bring up a brief description. Apologies in advance for my occasional terseness.
We hung around the marina and talked with some old friends we haven't seen in a year. And then headed back to the boat, showered and went to this little Italian place in the strip mall across the street from the marina. Yum! The best veggie pizza and wine! Then satiated and tired, back to the boat for some sleep.
Quite an adventure. And near impossible to describe in a few words. But if you want details head over to our Where is Beachquest blog where I try and chronicle most of the details.
You know, I think I'm just a month or so late putting the finishing touches on this segment of our life aboard. Heck I haven't even ordered the coveted gold Burgee yet.